Chase Center
Chase Center is the home of NBA Champion Warriors.


贝博体彩app最新的酒店里,你可以发现举办下一次私人活动的多种方式, state-of-the-art arena, Chase Center

米申湾的蔡斯中心是七届NBA总冠军金州勇士队的主场,还有很多其他球队! Since opening in 2019, the multi-purpose, award-winning, 现场娱乐场所已成为湾区最受欢迎的私人活动目的地之一. With more than 10 unique spaces, multiple outdoor areas including Thrive City, and customizable options, 竞技场为您提供了无限的机会,为您的与会者提供独特而难忘的经历.

Private Event Venues

Chase Center boasts maximum capacity for more than 18,000 guests, 拥有满足各种租赁需求的独立空间, from large conferences, keynotes, and business receptions to weddings and seated dinners.  从俱乐部层和会议室到室外的Thrive City和完整的竞技场,这些空间都具有特色, including: West and East Entrance Lobbys; Chase, JP Morgan, United, Budweiser Legends, and Pepsi Clubs; Modelo Cantina; Above The Rim; Thrive City Plaza; Area Bowl; Full Arena and more.

根据您的活动需要,私密而休闲的百事俱乐部最多可容纳185位客人. 球馆的“环上”场地还设有一个沿特里弗朗索瓦大道的私人入口,以及可以一览贝博体彩app和海湾景色的落地窗. 如果你想要一些盛大的,包罗万象的东西, 联合俱乐部可容纳700名客人,并设有多个区域内允许交钥匙事件流. If you need a truly upscale, luxurious space to wow your VIPs, 摩根大通俱乐部提供了一个完美的休息室设置与全方位服务的酒吧和食品站为多达270位客人.

如果你需要户外空间举办大型招待会或大型活动, Thrive City Plaza is the place for you. 空间为数千名客人,茁壮成长的城市广场功能内置 shops and restaurants, a massive 74-foot wide by 42-foot-tall video board, and beautiful open-air space for festivals, community events, and much more.

For more information, including floor plans, available audio/visual equipment, and comprehensive venue descriptions, click here.

Technology Capabilities

最先进的竞技场拥有世界一流的技术,将把您的活动提升到一个新的水平. Equipped with a high-definition video centerhung, LED ribbon boards, a sound system designed for optimal acoustics, and advanced lighting and effects systems, 这些功能使竞技场非常适合举办各种私人活动,如公司会议和会议.

The Chase Center LED center hung is nearly 9,700 square feet in size, making it the largest in the NBA. The display is fully customizable, allowing for a wide range of visual effects and graphics, 中挂可以缩回到天花板上,以满足空间的其他需求.

寻找一个超快的网络,这样你的客人就可以实时分享他们的体验? 大通中心是北美第一个部署Wi-Fi 6E网络的场馆. 这提供了流媒体内容等更快、更可靠的操作能力, conducting online meetings, or providing digital content to your attendees.

A large production needs the best equipment, 大通中心的索具系统是世界上最先进、最通用的索具系统之一. 它由490个牵引点组成,可以轻松移动400多个,重达1000磅的设备,大大缩短了活动的制作时间. 该系统由计算机控制,可通过编程精确移动, synchronized patterns, allowing for intricate and elaborate lighting, sound, and video.

Chase Center centerhung videoboard

Food & Beverage

所有Chase中心的活动场地都提供令人垂涎的食物和精心挑选的饮料项目,由内部餐饮服务商提供, Bon Appétit. 独特和多功能以上的场地,以增加灵活性,以适应外部餐饮服务商, so let your imagination run wild.

To view Bon Appétit’s private event menus, click here. 菜单提供了各种各样的项目,为您所有的餐饮需求, with vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options for breakfast, lunch, dinner and dessert. In addition, 行政总厨可创建自定义菜单,以适应各种类型的活动和口味, 包括在事先通知的情况下满足任何特殊的饮食要求.

Bon app和Levy的食品和饮料项目支持湾区的企业,并通过网络和教育项目直接使他们受益. Learn more about Chase Center’s Taste Maker Program 以及它为当地企业提供的机会——以及你和你饥饿的客人. 

Availability & Booking

大通中心的私人活动必须在活动日期前90天内预订. 在没有为勇士队预定比赛预留的日子里,可以提供私人租用的空间, 音乐会或公共活动(除了the Above the Rim).

A full schedule of events at Chase Center can be found here. The 2022-23 Golden State Warriors schedule can be found here. Dates are subject to availability.

有关场地可用性的信息或预订您的活动,请发送电子邮件 [email protected] or fill out an event request form here.

Chase Center United Club Lounge