我如何看待贝博体彩app: 艺术家安娜·特蕾莎·费尔南德斯 | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩


See San Francisco through the eyes of one of its most trailblazing artistic creators, 安娜·特蕾莎·费尔南德斯

If you want to have a truly genuine San Francisco experience, then you have to consult the experts: our friendly locals. 知识渊博的, 充满激情的, 并且随时准备好要怎么做的建议, 看到, 或吃, San Franciscans of all types have been part of our ongoing “我对贝博体彩app的看法” 系列.

艺术家安娜·特蕾莎·费尔南德斯, 贝博体彩app艺术学院的毕业生, 探讨了政治, 她作品中的行动主义和交叉性. 她的表演, 视频, paintings and installations have been featured both locally and around the world. Ana Teresa also frequently partners with nonprofits and art organizations to help improve communities. Read on for her recommendations for experiencing San Francisco.

What does a typical day in San Francisco look like for you?

我早上7点起床.m., text my husband, "hug," and he comes back into our bedroom to give me a giant squeeze. 他通常比我起床早得多. I have coffee and do an hour or two of emails, grants, applications, or interviews. 我最擅长写作的时候是早上.

到9点.m.我通常在海洋海滩冲浪. 我们就住在那里, so we can do a wave check from any window and just cross the street to go surfing. 如果那天早上没有冲浪的话, I will go for a run to Sutro Park and take 在 breathtaking view.

锻炼后,我去我的工作室在 海景区的. 我工作到下午5点.m. I get home around 6 to my husband's cooking and we get to watch the sun set every night over the Pacific Ocean. 

Which neighborhood, other than your own, do you like to explore?

Anytime I have to go through older parts of the city such as 太平洋高地我惊叹于这个城市的那个部分是如此的不同. 就好像我是第一次看到它. Any time I get to be in the passenger seat and we drive through the 要塞, 1号公路往南走, or on Route 101 going north and I get to roam my gaze freely at the sites, 它总是让人感觉是一种绝对的享受. 风景每次都让我叹息. 

Where do you indulge your artistic side in San Francisco?

The natural world in San Francisco is where I take in a huge gulp of creativity: the cloud formations, 天空的颜色在变化, trees kneeling in beautiful shapes after being pressed by the wind.

It has been a long time since I have been in a creative space. 在空间里工作和生活 创新探索 总觉得颓废. You get to be immersed in that artistic world as it is happening. 

How do you think the arts will shape our city's recovery?

Even before the recovery, art has been essential in and outside people's homes. 它鼓舞和鼓励了人们. Art has been part of the essential nature and fabric for all communities. No doubt it will stay with us as we continue the recovery process. 

How did you channel your creative energy while being stuck at home?

我可以在一个独立的工作室工作. 我总是把我的过程描述为修道, 甚至在大流行之前, 因为它非常安静和孤立. 我可以一天不说话. 但当我回到家, I love tinkering by up-cycling clothes: getting vintage sweaters or pieces and adding sequins text to them, 或者缝制新的图案. On the weekends, our dining room table transforms into a studio of sorts. 

What's your favorite annual event that happens in San Francisco?

海岬拍卖会是我最喜欢的活动之一! It's an art auction that attracts some of the most exciting talent the city has to offer: architects, 设计师, 科技, 机器人, 音乐家——如果他们在自己的领域有创新精神的话, 你会在这次活动中看到他们. 它在美丽的梅森堡中心举行. 

Where and what would you choose for your last meal in San Francisco?

取得的进展菲尔莫附近. They have an ever-changing menu of great family style dishes. Whatever you choose, always finish the meal with the peanut milk.

Which restaurant is still on your list to dine at in San Francisco?

Cotogna,一家意大利餐馆在边缘 北海滩. Every time I try to go, something happens or it is always booked. 


日出,我的工作室. 日落,我们的阳台. Visitors should also try Bernal Heights Hill at sunrise and the Sutro Baths at sunset.

What should every visitor to San Francisco do at least once?

我把所有的游客都带到 deYoung博物馆. It is free and you get an amazing 360-degree view of the city. 

What’s one part of San Francisco that you wish visitors knew about?

It isn't in San Francisco, but just north: City Hall in Marin, designed by Frank Lloyd Wright. 在那里拍了几部电影. My husband and I went there to get officially married in November, and it was like walking into a magical and mysterious retro sc-fi landscape from the 60s. 它碰巧是空的,下着雨, which turned the arched skylights into waterfalls above our heads. 


贝博体彩app的人不叫这个城市“San Fran”。.  所以我们才知道你不是本地人.  Also, always bring a sweater or jacket, especially 在 summer.