crane cove park

A Pocket Guide to San Francisco's 公司多 Neighborhood

Is 公司多 San Francisco’s coolest 社区? 我们是这么认为的.

这个位于贝博体彩app海湾的社区已经从造船中心变成了千禧一代的圣地. Overflowing with arts and culture experiences, delicious dining and beautiful waterfront parks, 公司多 is becoming San Francisco’s new “it” 社区.

We've partnered with Hotels Above Par 为你详细介绍在公司多的住宿、饮食和游览地点. 


1 Hotel San Francisco 


从公司多出发,一跳一跳,就能到达贝博体彩app繁华的1号酒店 内河码头 社区. Sustainability efforts are at the forefront here, 从房间的再生木材钥匙,到餐厅的食材都来自道德经营的小批量农场, 种植者, and fisheries no further than 100 miles away. 我们最喜欢的部分是班福德水疗中心的露天浴缸,可以俯瞰海滨.

Book a room at 1 Hotel SF 



这 boutique San Francisco hotel won’t break the bank. 对面 甲骨文公园 in SoMa, 酒店和客房配备了现代化的定制家具,创造了一个放松的空间. 别忘了预定他们的公园景观房间,提醒你你是在贝博体彩app巨人队的地盘上! VIA酒店位于探索城市步行或通过新的 中央地铁. 真正的顶级樱花:Via屋顶,一个仅限客人的屋顶露台,拥有标志性的海湾景观.

Book a room at 酒店通过

Luma San Francisco 


Stay here and you’ll delve into the city’s pulsating culture. 大堂装饰着当地创作者的艺术装置,文化体验丰富——问问礼宾就知道了. 豪华的, oversized rooms overlook the surrounding 社区, giving you that in-the-center-of-it-all San Francisco feel. Located right on the new 中央地铁 line, getting anywhere in San Francisco from the LUMA is a breeze. Don’t forget to visit the 17th-floor rooftop restaurant, Cavaña. A new addition to the San Francisco culinary scene, Cavaña提供微调南美启发的盘子和鸡尾酒与贝博体彩app天际线的看法, 湾和 甲骨文公园.

Book a room at Luma SF


RH San Francisco 


RH San Francisco occupies 公司多’s historic Bethlehem Steel Building. 一座五层的画廊、餐厅和两个酒吧挤满了这座镀金时代的大厦. Travelers should dine at RH’s atrium-roofed Palm Court Restaurant, 在那里,加尔各答大理石似乎无处不在,米色的长条长椅围绕着一盏闪闪发光的中央枝形吊灯和喷泉,四周是四棵等距的Medjool枣椰树. Live-fire cuisine offers delectable farm-to-table dishes, from wood grilled avocados to whole-grilled branzino. 在这里吃完午餐或晚餐后,可以在五层楼浏览RH的家具收藏. 前往屋顶公园,您将欣赏到美妙的海湾景色. 

Neighbor Bakehouse

第三街2343号. 100部队 

从开心果浆果双份烤牛角包到蓝莓柠檬松饼,以及所有以面包为主题的美食, 家族 Neighbor Bakehouse is 公司多’s most popular bakery. 位于第三街,公司多的主干道,这家面包店是典型的SF. 的 owner of the bakery, 格雷格民德冰期, 是詹姆斯·比尔德杰出面包师奖的半决赛选手.

Where to 喝

公司多 Saloon


这 bar has been a 社区 staple since it opened in 1912. Its interior was recently revitalized, 使它成为一个干净而受欢迎的空间,恢复了过去的痕迹, 从保存完好的吧台到点缀墙壁的彩色玻璃. 美味又有创意的鸡尾酒不会让你倾家荡产,你可以在这里期待. Sometimes, if you come on the weekends, can enjoy live jazz music. 


Minnesota Street Project 

1275 Minnesota St. 

It’s no secret that San Francisco brims with creativity, and the Minnesota Street Project 以其经济实惠且经济可持续的艺术画廊组合竭诚庆祝这种精神. Occupying three warehouses, 该项目旨在加强贝博体彩app的当代艺术界, 所有这些都有助于作为艺术和文化的社区中心的更大愿景.

Crane Cove Park

18日圣. and Illinois St. 

One of the newest additions to the San Francisco waterfront, 鹤湾公园是贝博体彩app继续为游客和居民创造更多令人惊叹的空间的一个完美例子. 这个占地7英亩的公园将一个毫无吸引力的工业区变成了一个令人惊叹的海滨目的地. 的 park includes historic and restored cranes; a two-acre multi-purpose lawn with picnic and barbecue areas; a new beach for water recreation; children’s play areas; a dog run; and an aquatic center for boaters, with restrooms and a small café.

Museum of Craft and Design 


艺术仙境 积极与世界各地的设计师和文化机构合作. On exhibition until September 10 is Fight and Flight: Crafting a Bay Area Life该展览考察了23位以贝博体彩app湾区为家的当地艺术家. 这里的大多数艺术家都认为自己是非裔美国人、拉丁裔、同性恋群体IA+和AAPI.

Institution of Contemporary Art 

901 Minnesota St. 

Institute of Contemporary Art 贝博体彩app是贝博体彩app湾区最新的免费、非收藏艺术爱好者之家. Past and current exhibitions include Resting Our Eyes, a series focusing on the liberation and celebration of Black women, featuring 20 multi-generational artists working across sculpture, 摄影, video, 多媒体的使用, 绘画, and tile; as well as A Weed by Any Other Name, 这个系列将黑莓视为坚韧的象征和不安的隐喻, precarity, and networked resistance of the Bay Area’s artist community.

Car out in front of Victorians

的 公司多 is the Perfect Neighborhood for a Short-Term Rental

你可以预订短期租赁,从单人间到整个地方,都可以预订 AirbnbVRBO or 预订.com.

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Hotels Above Par

Hotels Above Par 是一本专家策划的世界上最酷的精品酒店和所有旅行指南吗. Launched by Brandon Berkson during the pandemic, the media publication has more than 170,总读者群为1000人,并迎合那些想要通过独特的方式连接到目的地中心的人, boutique-oriented stays and travel experiences.